The Haunted Shrine + SIM'commendation Time

 So, in my latest build I started making a ~very~ Fatal Frame inspired shrine, so of course it's haunted hehe. The building process was uploaded to my YT channel, although I failed recording all of it ~sorry~ ;-; 

As you may have noticed, I still suck at building lol the stair in the mountain caused major headache since I was deleting and trying again so many times, it was embarassing .-. so I cut some of the trial parts... even so the video turned out quite extensive! 

Another struggle is the whole tomb settings thingy... After finally managing to activate everything I simply can't make it hidden anymore, help! Pretty sure there was some tombs in World Adventures EP with this kind of feature... it must be possible, somehow...

No cc in my buildings, so that took me a while to think of what to use instead... Usually I do so to minimize cc in my game, I know there is a bunch of awesome creations out there and would love to recommend you some that would fit the whole mood of this building perfectly! I might use it for a video as well, been planning to do a proper and more detailed tour. Meanwhile you can see more screenshots from the exterior areas of the shrine in my Tumblr!

SIMcommendation of the day is Mitarasi Sims Set, they have awesome content in their blog (both Sims 3 and Sims 4 cc), easy navigation and safe to download! This particular set is just perfect for Fatal Frame and simmilar aesthetics + this Hannya mask 👹

See ya in the next post!
